How to stand in a rough season
H ow I was able to keep myself through the Holy Spirit after divorce Spend quiet time in prayer with the lord reflecting on my life and the things I have experienced up until this point. I honored the time I was married and thanked God for the good, bad, and the ugly I thanked God for having this experience even though it was now over. I had support groups where I could talk about what I was experiencing with others who had experienced the same thing, Divorce care and celebrate recovery Set up accountability for myself, with people I could tell when I was at a sticking point and needed someone to pray with me or give me counsel at that time. Having wise counsel is essential Find things to do, healthy things that help you to grow spiritually, and mentally, and grow your friendships. 🚨Do not begin dating too quickly🚨 I realized that this is not the time to connect with someone. This time is to disconnect from your ex and to your last season, all the dreams, hope...