This Season of change is evident even in how we celebrated Christmas this year it was a bit different the kids are getting bigger and their interests are changing. This is the first Christmas my oldest son is out of high school and he is able to do his own things and shop for himself, by the way he turned eighteen on the 24th. My next oldest child will be entering into the world of teens as of Feb 2012 so she is turning into a different person than that cute little girl I had once upon a time; but I must say she is becoming quite a little lady. Next one is my challenge my 12 year old she is definitely her own person she is trying to go faster than what we are ready to give her and I know peer pressure has a lot to do with it. Someone please tell me why, if peer pressure is so powerful then why aren't people influence by good as much as bad. Humm! Just me thinking! Then my youngest three they are still in the easy to please stage unless one of them is looking at the other. Funny!
They are all different and they are mine, what a blessing. I am learning all over again to appreciate the time God has given to us to spend together, and not to despise it although your tired and stressed; just love them because this season changes.
Even though things and people change, I found out for myself that the God that I serve changeth not, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 So what does that mean to you it means that as we go in and out of seasons in our lives we can be sure of this one thing that Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. Once you and him have begun a relationship you can be sure that your weight will not turn him off, he is not going to secretly see someone else at the office, he is faithful even we are faithless.
Christmas 2011
They are all different and they are mine, what a blessing. I am learning all over again to appreciate the time God has given to us to spend together, and not to despise it although your tired and stressed; just love them because this season changes.
Christmas 2011
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